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My Dog Ate Vaseline: When to Worry & Vet-Approved Advice

Written by: Jessica Kim

Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Dogster Team

My Dog Ate Vaseline: When to Worry & Vet-Approved Advice


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Dr. Amanda Charles

BVSc MRCVS (Veterinarian)

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Some dogs can be extremely curious and treat almost anything as food or toys. Although it doesn’t happen often, a dog can get their paws on Vaseline, or petroleum jelly, and eat it. Fortunately, Vaseline isn’t toxic to dogs, so you don’t have to worry about chemical poisoning.

However, it can still cause your dog to get sick, especially if they’ve eaten a large amount of it. The slippery mess is also a pain to clean up. So, it’s best to make sure any tubs of Vaseline and related skincare products are stored in a safe and unreachable place.

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What Happens If Dogs Eat Vaseline

The consequences will vary depending on how much Vaseline your dog ate. If your dog just had a couple of licks, they should be fine. Just be on the lookout for signs of gastrointestinal upset, like vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and lethargy. If the signs are severe or continue to persist after 48 hours, contact your veterinarian for treatment.

Consuming large amounts of Vaseline will most likely cause your dog to feel sick. Vaseline isn’t toxic, but it can severely upset your dog’s stomach. This can lead to your dog becoming dehydrated from vomiting and diarrhea. So, if your dog has eaten a significant amount of Vaseline, consult your veterinarian right away.

It’s also best to call your veterinarian or an animal poison control hotline if your dog has eaten other Vaseline products. Lotion and skin care products containing Vaseline can contain other ingredients that are harmful for dogs to ingest.

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Can Vaseline Treat Constipation in Dogs?

There’s a common belief that Vaseline can be used as a home remedy to help alleviate your dog’s constipation. However, it’s not recommended to feed your dog any amounts of Vaseline. If your dog is experiencing constipation, it’s best to consult your veterinarian for proper treatment. Your veterinarian may prescribe a petroleum-based lubricant gel, like Laxatone, which is much more effective than Vaseline.

vaseline for dog paws
Image Credit: allian, Shutterstock

Can Vaseline Treat Skin Issues in Dogs?

While Vaseline is commonly applied to minor skin irritations in humans, it’s not generally recommended to apply it on dogs because it’s not the most effective treatment for them. Your dog will most likely lick it off, and it can also be a safety risk if applied to your dog’s paws. Vaseline is extremely slippery, and your dog can easily trip and get injured from falling.

You can find plenty of disinfectants and paw moisturizers specifically formulated for canines, and there are many options that contain all-natural ingredients that are completely safe for dogs. Most paw moisturizers and waxes also have non-slip or fast-drying formulas, so your dog can walk around safely shortly after they’ve been applied.

owner applying vaseline cream on dog's paw pads to protect from salt or chemical deicers in snow
Image Credit: Pearl PhotoPix, Shutterstock

Final Thoughts

Overall, there’s no need for your dog to come into contact with Vaseline. There are much more effective remedies specifically formulated for canines that will treat minor scrapes and dry skin and paws. Just keep an eye out for an upset stomach if your dog does end up eating Vaseline. If they consume a large amount of this product, contact your veterinarian or an animal poison control hotline for further assistance and proper treatment.

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